Sunday 19 August 2012

Apologies & Upcoming Story

I know it's been forever since I posted last, and I apologise! Real life and fan-fiction collided for a short time and I was forced to abandon the blog for a while to concentrate on school and other pressing things.

The good news is, there's another story on its way! This one is looking to be a multi-chapter and I'm in the planning stages as well as looking for a good beta-reader. A good beta-reader is essential!! Unfortunately for you Star Wars-geared followers out there, this is a Harry Potter fan-fiction, set after the events of The Deathly Hallows. Already got my main character pretty much lined up...

I'm super excited as my hearing up-grade has finally arrived one year after we sent the forms in, and I'm due to pick it up sometime this week or next. It's a major event in my life as far as I'm concerned - a big step in helping myself hear better. Fingers crossed we can get an appointment for this coming week as I already have one lined up on Thursday for a hearing test, so hopefully we'll get one on the same day.

Till next time!

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