Thursday, 1 December 2011

Lesson I: The Living Force

One of the very first lines in the prequels centers on Qui-Gon’s insistence about being mindful of the “Living Force.” While the Jedi Council often seem fixated on the distant past or uncertain future, the Living Force is by contrast grounded in the present moment, the “here and now,” the only reality we can truly know. As such, it is also steeped in flashes of intuition, focused spontaneity, as well as an empathy with and deep connection to all beings.

That, my Padawans, if the first lesson I will teach you. The living Force is that which surrounds our daily actions as we are carrying them out. The Jedi Council of old was very centered on that belief that the living Force controls what we do. This belief was not explored as much in the New Jedi Council, which existed from the time of the Yuuzhan Vong war onward. 

The living Force seems to explain Anakin Skywalker's presence in the Jedi meeting room when he was nine. He had an exceptionally high midichlorian count and Shmi said that he had no father. The general idea is that the Force was Anakin's father, therefore the name living Force. The living Force is that which, as The Star Wars Heresies explained, surrounds us during our daily lives.

In our next lesson we will travel to the living world of Zonama Sekot, in the Unknown Regions, for a lesson on the unifying Force. Get ready to jump to hyperspace!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Young Jedi Knights

Okay, so I've already posted two videos on YouTube about major series books in Star Wars: The New Jedi Order and Legacy of the Force. However, yet another series video is in the making, and this one is going to be about the Young Jedi Knights series, featuring the Solo children and their friends from the Jedi Academy. We don't really see much of the older generation in this series, but it also gives a kind of grounding on what the kids are going to be like as they get older - setting the characters in stone, so to speak.

Give me some feedback if you want!

Jaina. xxx

Monday, 31 October 2011

YouTube heaven - or rather, Star Wars heaven!

Hi, sorry I haven't been active for a while!

I posted two new YouTube videos today about Star Wars - one is about The New Jedi Order and the other is about Legacy of the Force. My username is RebelStrikesBack (of course!) and Legacy of the Force is the fourteenth video I've released! I might do one about another major series, if I can find any inspirations.

Hang in there,


Friday, 21 October 2011

My Thoughts

Well, I'm proposing something so radical you guys probably won't believe it, but here goes...

I've recently been watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and I'm now completely obsessed with LOTR. So I'm thinking of using this blog for my obsession with both Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I don't know when I might start talking about Han Solo or Legolas...

Well, I might do this.

Later. xxx

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Star by Star

Okay, so I just read Star by Star (finally, after looking for it for like a year!) and I was really moved by some of the scenes. For example, when Jacen wants to mend the gulf between him and Anakin, and then his younger brother dies so he tries to carry out his last promise to Anakin. Later on, when Lando is trying to comfort Han and Leia in the wake of their son's death and Han's firing at everything in sight (minus Leia and Lando, of course) and Han says, "He's dead. They killed our boy."

I will post later when I've completely combed Star by Star all the way through.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

9/11 = Anakin's turn?

Doesn't 9/11 count equally as the slaying of the younglings in the temple in the Star Wars universe? It was the greatest disaster of all time after Order 66, right? Anakin Skywalker's turn and subsequent destruction of the remaining Jedi was so horrific that even Master Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi had to go into exile...

But then again, Luke Skywalker does form the new order. It's a pretty good job, since he resisted the dark side all his life, which is sixty-odd years, if you count all the books. His nephew didn't do SUCH a good job. Poor Han had to run after his son (Darth Caedus) just to save the galaxy all over again. That's his job anyway, he's Jacen's dad. Let's hope Han reminded Jacen to take his lightsaber with him..maybe that's why he held out against Jaina for so long.

My view on Anakin Skywalker is that he turned to the dark side the day his children were born, but turned back after saving his son's life over Endor. Picking up and throwing your master into a nuclear reactor is pretty strong will. In my eyes, he will always be a Jedi Knight and worthy of that title. Leia even comes to terms with her heritage - look, she had three kids with Han. She said she wasn't gonna do that, and she ended up seeing one son die, the other turn and her daughter almost turn to the dark. She did have a point when she said she didn't want to have children in case they turned.

I'm writing this at 9:11 PM (coincidence or not?!) and it's late. My brain ain't working well tonight, and I have an even later night on that note, may the Force be with you!


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Do Jedi ever get bored?

The title's just a completely random question...but seriously. Do Jedi ever get bored, or are they too busy running around the galaxy with their swords (ahem..lightsabers) and saving everyone?

Jaina Solo is just my favourite character of all time. She's got her mother's ethic of working really hard without a break and her father's sarcasm, humour and tendency to fight to the end. It's just like, "Come attack me if you dare, I've got a lightsaber AND a blaster." Jacen and Anakin get killed off, but she still manages to survive somehow.

That is one tough chick.